Artificial intelligence will only be as intelligent as the experience allows it to be. No experience, no intelligence. Probability is just not good enough.
Whenever we engage in an experience, be at a conversation with someone else, a ride in a fast sports-car, an accident, a triumph of our favorite soccer team or anything else that gets our attention, we learn. Our experience will be filtered, due to our individual preconditioning, and saved in our personal memory. Whenever we recall that memory, the ‘filtered’ version will be brought into our consciousness. Whatever we learned from that initial experience can not only be recalled, but will subconsciously influence any other ‘filtering’. For example, if someone learns that elevators can get stuck for a long time, than he or she might develop a ‘learning’ like: ‘better not use transporation that is prone to delays, when you are on a timeline’. That learning will influence future decisions to i.e. use a cab in high traffic, take the latest flight rather than one earlier, etc.
Intelligence is in so far a function of what we experience. The experience leads to a memory that influences decision making and subsequent filtering of new experiences.
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