AI Responsibility and Accountability

Are we turning a blind eye to who really is responsible for whatever AI can do?There is a lot of talk about the dangers of AI. From AI controlling critical infrastructure systems to eliminating humanity, the fantasies are without limits. As of today, and that is a critical distinction, any AI that is being deployed, […]

AI Consciousness – It´s the function that matters?

Neural networks have made remarkable strides. These computational models, inspired by the human brain, have revolutionized our ability to process vast amounts of data, recognize patterns, and make predictions. At their core however, neural networks are mere mathematical algorithms, designed to calculate numbers and revise the caculation based on new inputs and feedback. There is […]

Dreams and Artificial Stories

With the rise of AI, we, as a society, need to develop a solid awareness over what is truly human and what is merely a calculated probability. Ever thought about, what is the difference between dreaming and the output that ChatGPT produces? Thoughts! Here is a train of thought that might shed some light on […]

Your Competitive AI Advantage

It‘ clear that in order to develop an AI or machine learning algorithm which is in doing something that has not been possible to do, such algorithm will have to be trained with the most advanced data sets possible. Right now we see many projects that use very similar data sets, downloaded it from hubs […]

Ready to Think Outside-the-box?

When it comes to Projects, we are eager to get a project plan in place, budgets and milestones, a blue-print, a design or a mockup, schedule meetings, setup a PMO and intiate the change workstream. Regardless whether Waterfall, Agile or something new is driving this, there is a method in place and we will follow […]